Sector: Automotive


Case study image showing a automotive parts before cleaning


Case study image showing a automotive parts after cleaning


Mould tool cleaning and periodic deep clean.

Within the automotive and manufacturing industries downtime is a major factor contributing to almost a £180bn loss to UK manufacturing base in 2017. Our Client came to us with a specific request: 1. Reduce Downtime, 2. Improve Quality, and 3. Reduce Waste. We can easily tick all those boxes. With a regular cleaning cycle all hot and cold form moulds are returned to their original condition within a fraction of the time it previously took when cleaned by hand. An additional benefit of dry ice blast cleaning is the option to clean the moulds in-situ, removing logistical and health & safety difficulties from the outset and helping to reduce downtime. In addition to periodic mould tool cleaning, we now also attend twice yearly to carry out extended deep cleans where fully qualified Cold Clean UK teams clean every mould on site within 3-4 days.

“ Can you pass on my thanks to your team that were on site. They did a great job and were very helpful  – working so hard over a hot 3 days, they were a pleasure to work with ”  Plant Manager.

– All operatives trained in automotive cleaning processes.

Equipment used: 3 x Cryonomic® COB62+ blast units with 600 cfm compressor @ 8 bar (c/w aftercooler, filtrations and water separator).

– All resources and enclosures provided by Cold Clean UK to be entirely self-sufficient whilst on site.